Javelin Masters 3 [Mod Money]

 news    |      2024-05-14

Javelin Masters 3 - javelin throwing in 8-bit style. In 1983, a game called Track & Field was popular in Japan, which was an arcade simulator of the Olympic games. It was from there that the much-loved gameplay of javelin throwing was taken and refined, which was reborn into a separate game. So, in Javelin Masters 3 you will throw spears, participate in competitions and earn points. You have a variety of athletes, several unique locations including Helsinki, Rio and Los Angeles, regular tournaments and a ton of things that will improve your game during the tournament. This is still that interesting, unforgettable game, only now in a more beautiful wrapper and with more convenient controls.CPU---Android OS4.Rummy 1Open GL---Free Space 42.34 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupportNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newErrors correctedUpdate history- ----

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