
 news    |      2024-07-05


In control of your energy

With the Oxxio App you are in control of your own energy. You can see exactly how much energy you use and how much it costs, you can make changes yourself and chat with us 24/7.

In the app you can see exactly how much electricity and gas you are using. It's full of smart insights, like consumption per day, or even by device type. This will help you catch energy drinkers. And it makes saving a lot easier.

With the Annual Check you will know whether the value of your installment corresponds to your energy consumption. And how do you arrive at your annual bill. If adjustments are necessary, the Annual Check will advise you on the appropriate installment amount.

You can increase or decrease the amount of your installment in the app itself. See and pay your bills. And you can also change your rarummy real cash data quickly. Exactly when it suits you.

Do you need us? With the app, help is always at hand. Chat is the easiest way to get answers to your energy questions. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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